About the person below me
Okay just to start I wanted to say that although lstentelen had a good point he or she didn't deserve to give you a zero. Because though there needed to be a much higher amount of gameplay or atleast some type of action or speed to this "Art" related game you did put a decent amount of effort into the background and I can tell you were really TRYING to show what happened unlike many other art games where everything felt utterly pointless and badly drawn.
For Instance the song wasn't that terrible but you could have changed it up in some form to make it more meaningful or perhaps you could have added some sort of arrow key related effects...like jumping over logs hearing normal animal and background sounds so it felt like YOU were really going on some type of journey.
Another thing is the part where your waiting and just watching the two dead people on the beach could have been shorter out of all of it. Just that one part would have made the impact alot more useful to you.
Anyhow all in all you did a good job of getting your message across, adding information in the end and putting effort into the pretty background and although many people don't CONSIDER this an art game I for one DO because you DID get your message across and although I wasn't impressed by the stick men you also managed to draw a beautiful pixel background and add depth, all you need now is to work on your gameplay skills and continue to try and make meaningful things despite what others think.